Weekly Sunday Global Meditation - November 10th, 2019

Dear friends,

Our focus for the meditation this week will be on the Mercury Retrograde and how we communicate with one another, including your inner self.

Mercury Retrograde began on October 31st and will continue until November 20th. For the remaining 10 days of the retrograde season in Scorpio, it's a time of reflecting inwardly in meditation to make a self-analysis on our communication skills through writing and speaking, our intellect and how we educate and inform ourselves with knowledge.

Self-Analysis Questionaire

1. In what ways do you keep in contact with family and friends? How often is it and how do you feel about it?

2. How often do you use the internet and social media for connecting and communicating with people? Is it for work and business, or for leisure and fun?

3. Where do you gather your information on local/ worldly news? How do you know that it's the truth or not?

4. What would you improve in how you communicate with others?

5. How much time do you give yourself to read books?

6. If you have a relationship issue with a particular person, what meaning and value do they have to you? What is the root cause of the problem when communicating with them? How can you change yourself to improve the relationship?

As there is yang, there is yin to balance the energies together. The retrograde is like that yin energy that counteracts the yang direct motion of the planets. There may be occasional connection problems with the internet and misunderstandings among communications, which is a sign for us to slow down and take a moment to contemplate on the situations.

We wish everyone a safe ride through this Mercury Retrograde season.
Stay calm, centered and grounded.


Sunday, November 3rd
@18:00 GMT

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Read more about our Sunday Weekly Global Meditation here.


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