Sunday Weekly Global Meditation - December 15th, 2019

Dear friends,

As the year is winding down to the end of our final month of December, we will hold a moment of meditation to reflect back on the events that have happened throughout this year.

- What were the significant events/ happenings/ occurrences? What thoughts and feelings do you have from experiencing them?

- How have you experienced the weather where you live? Were there any noticeable climate change?

- What accomplishments have you made that you have set goals for? How have they made you feel?

We will also focus our meditation on true happiness. As an abstract concept of emotion, it cannot be measured how much there is, it can only be felt by each person. There are many things on earth that idealize what happiness can be, by having certain things, circumstances, etc. but do they really bring happiness in the true sense?

"We set up conditions for our happiness and become trapped. Happiness can come to us at any time if we are free. Why do we commit ourselves to only one idea of happiness? When we do this, we limit our happiness. If we let go of that idea, happiness will come to us from every direction."

"We can be extremely happy just sitting and breathing in and out. We don't have to do or achieve anything. We enjoy the miracle of life, the miracle of simply being here.
That nourishing joy and happiness will help heal the wounds within our body and soul."

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Let us bring our awareness to understand that we are free spiritual beings.
Freedom means infinite possibilities of having true happiness.
It is everywhere around us and within.

Blessings, with much light and love

Sunday, December 15th
@18:00 GMT

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Read more about our Sunday Weekly Global Meditation here.


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