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Sunday Weekly Global Meditation - December 15th, 2019

Dear friends, As the year is winding down to the end of our final month of December, we will hold a moment of meditation to reflect back on the events that have happened throughout this year. - What were the significant events/ happenings/ occurrences? What thoughts and feelings do you have from experiencing them? - How have you experienced the weather where you live? Were there any noticeable climate change? - What accomplishments have you made that you have set goals for? How have they made you feel? We will also focus our meditation on true happiness. As an abstract concept of emotion, it cannot be measured how much there is, it can only be felt by each person. There are many things on earth that idealize what happiness can be, by having certain things, circumstances, etc. but do they really bring happiness in the true sense? "We set up conditions for our happiness and become trapped. Happiness can come to us at any time if we are free. Why do we commit oursel...

Sunday Weekly Global Meditation - November 24th, 2019

Dear friends, For this week's meditation, we will meditate on the theme of Beauty. What are the things that are beautiful to you? They can be places, objects, experiences, or even people, including yourself. Beauty is an expression of love. A beautiful smile is an expression of genuine compassion. Although sometimes you may not see the beauty in things or yourself, there is so much beauty all around and deep within you. The earth is a beautiful planet - nature beholds within its beauties the secret teachings of the spiritual truths. In essence, everything that has been created to exist on earth and in the universes has multiple versions of beauty. It's a matter of perception and interpretation, and how we can appreciate it or not. When you see beauty, it connects your heart to the nature of your true self. Bringing more awareness to it brings positive emotions and energies of love and compassion. May we embrace ourselves to be filled with the light of l...

Sunday Weekly Global Meditation - November 17th, 2019

Dear friends, We will focus our intentions on sending healing energies to Venice after the historical city has been horribly affected by flooding this week. May the storms be calm. May the water levels go down. Climate change is obviously becoming a bigger issue around the world, and we humans cannot ignore or escape from the hazards that are being experienced now. We are having to face the consequences of what we have created as the cause of climate change and natural disasters. Pollution, environmental destruction such as deforestation, overuse leading to scarcity of natural resources, and many other factors all intertwine to affect the earth's weather conditions. Earth is a beautiful planet in which we live among its great nature. Let us give respect to its natural orders by having more mindfulness of how we live here. May we live more in harmony and balance our energies with modesty and awareness. The second topic in our meditation is to practice gratitude. Gr...

Weekly Sunday Global Meditation - November 10th, 2019

Dear friends, Our focus for the meditation this week will be on the Mercury Retrograde and how we communicate with one another, including your inner self. Mercury Retrograde began on October 31st and will continue until November 20th. For the remaining 10 days of the retrograde season in Scorpio, it's a time of reflecting inwardly in meditation to make a self-analysis on our communication skills through writing and speaking, our intellect and how we educate and inform ourselves with knowledge. Self-Analysis Questionaire 1. In what ways do you keep in contact with family and friends? How often is it and how do you feel about it? 2. How often do you use the internet and social media for connecting and communicating with people? Is it for work and business, or for leisure and fun? 3. Where do you gather your information on local/ worldly news? How do you know that it's the truth or not? 4. What would you improve in how you communicate with others? 5. How much ...

Energy Healing Services - Sessions, Prices, Booking

Thank you for your interest in our energy healing services. Here's information about our healing sessions and how to book an appointment with us. What is energy healing? Everything is energy, expressed in different forms. The energy of light has the highest vibration that brings life and vitality as it carries the information of the truths. Energy healing works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions. It may bring positive changes such as: - Relieving pains, blockages, ailments, and imbalances - Regaining strength, balance, and optimal health - Bringing lightness, more clarity in the mind, peacefulness, calmness. - Increasing the sense of joy and happiness. - Heightening awareness and intuition - Connecting more to your true self. Energy can travel beyond time and space, and the experience of healing through light is part of the eternal soul's journey. We aim to guide each person to embrace the light of healing for the betterment of you...

Weekly Sunday Global Meditation - November 3rd, 2019

Dear friends, As a continuation of last week's meditation on the emotion of love, we will focus on the emotions of  fear  and anxiety as our theme for this week's meditation session. Fear and anxiety are one of the biggest obstacles that challenge us from living our dreams. There are numerous things that we may be consciously or subconsciously fearing and feeling anxious about, and the first step to overcoming them is to recognize and observe those emotions. The Six Basic Fears  mentioned in the book, 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill are described to be the most common forms of danger that are self-limiting to us. 1. Fear of poverty 2. Fear of criticism 3. Fear of ill health 4. Fear of loss of love of someone 5. Fear of old age 6. Fear of death In the meditation, say to yourself what exactly is that you fear the most.    "I bring awareness to my worst fear which is..." Then recite a mantra that encourages and strengthens your...

Sunday Weekly Global Meditation - October 27th, 2019

Greetings, In this week's meditation, we are just simply focusing on feeling love within us and around us. Visualize your own heart to shine brightly as you embrace your true self to be beautiful and perfect just the way it is. Visualize the ones that are close to your heart - family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. that each and every one of them can also shine their hearts to feel more love. Visualize the space around you - your room, house, neighborhood, town, city, country, earth, and the cosmos, to shine in the light of love. What is love? ~ Spoken by Mooji “In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” –  Jack Kornfield Blessings, Sunday, October 27th @18:00 British Summer Time Check your local time:  Time Zone Converter Read more about our Sunday Weekly Global Meditation   here .