What is Qi & Qigong

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What is Qi(氣)

The practice of Qigong is to first understand the Qi (pronounced chee). 
It is the energy that brings creation, existence, and destruction. 

Everything manifests out of Qi,
exists as a form of Qi,
and returns to Qi. 

It is the life force and source of all metabolism,
the root of the movement of consciousness, thought, sensory awareness, and emotions. 

It holds together the atoms, molecules, bodies, earth, and the universe.

When the pattern of Qi becomes exhausted, life force leaves.
Things disintegrate, death and change occur. 

The Qi emerges out of absolute nothingness - Wuji(無受)

The emptiness, void, pure openness.
Words cannot describe, for it goes beyond any thought, idea, or concept.
And yet it can be directly experienced. 

Qi moves as Yin/ Yang

Yin represents the earth, darkness, coldness, heaviness, descension, contractiveness, stillness.

Yang represents the heaven, brightness, warmth, lightness, ascension, expansion, activity, creativity.

Nothing is entirely yin or yang, each contains another.
Life is at peace when yin and yang are in harmony and balance, 
when the transformation from yin to yang and yang to yin are gradual and even. 

What is Qigong(氣功)

Working with qi is allowing the breath to become natural by making it quiet, soft, smooth, even, long, and deep.

Each though registers in the breath, 
each change in breath changes the mind. 

Ways of working with qi:

• activating and moving the qi
• refining
• conserving
• purifying
• balancing
• transforming

"The mind leads, and the Qi follows." -Lao Tzu

A virtuous and illuminated mind comes from virtuous Qi. 
The practice of qigong is a life-long journey of taking each breath with more awareness. 


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