Calibrating The Yin/ Yang of Qi

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Calibrating the Yin/ Yang (Positive/ Negative) of the Qi (Energy)

When we practice any kind of energy works such as healing, physical therapy, medical healthcare, yoga, pilates, martial arts, sports, etc., we aim to increase and strengthen the positive life-force energy, known as 'qi' (chee) in Qigong. Anything that brings down the qi has a negative effect, therefore distinguished as to have negative yin qi. 

It is important to know if the qi (energy) is yin/ yang (positive/ negative) and how strong it is, for knowing your own energy level as well as other people, pets, food, objects, environments, etc. which all have their effects on one another. 

A positive yang energy is energizing, revitalizing, empowering, healing, etc.
A negative yin energy pulls down the life-force energy, causes complications, disharmony, 
illnesses, etc. 

Daoism is about having a good balance of yin/ yang energies, whereas in Qigong the yin/ yang energies define the overall tendency of having a positive or negative frequency. 

Here is a simple Qigong method to determine the yin/ yang qi of an object. 


• Have an object that has a good amount of weight in one of your hands.
example: hard-cover book, a bottle of water, a medium-size crystal

• Bring anything else that you would like to measure its qi. 
example: photo, accessories, small objects, etc.

Step 1: Decide Input and Output Hand

Decide either right or left hand to be your 'output' for holding the object with weight. The other hand then becomes the 'input' for calibrating the qi.

Step 2: Slowly Lift Up the Weight with Your Output Hand

Hold the weighed object in your output hand. Slowly lift it up, becoming aware of the weight, how the muscles of your hand, arm, elbow, shoulder are moving, the speed of how you lift the object, etc.

Step 3: Calibrating with the Palm of Your Input Hand

Bring the palm of your input hand to touch or hover over the object in your output hand. Keeping this condition, lift up the object in your output hand, just as you have done in Step 2. 

Observe the weight of the object, if it feels lighter or heavier to lift it up with the input hand on it. 

If the object feels lighter, it has a yang qi (positive energy). 
If it feels heavier, it has a yin qi (negative energy).

Step 4: Calibrating with the Back Side of Your ‘Input Hand

For beginners: Relax the input hand and repeat Step 2.

Bring the back side your input hand to touch or hover over the object in your output hand. Then lift up the object while in the same way as in Step 2 while keeping the input hand over it

As you do this, observe whether the object feels lighter/ heavier.


Object with Yang Qi (Positive Energy)

Objects with a positive yang energy would feel lighter when placing the both the palm and back side of the input hand over it while lifting it up.
The object feeling lighter when calibrating it means the physical function of your body is strengthened by the energy flow of the object, which defines a positive yang qi. 

Object with Yin Qi (Negative Energy)

Objects with a negative yin energy would feel heavier when placing either the palm or the back side, or with both sides of your input hand.

Some objects with negative yin qi can change the heaviness/ lightness when placing either the palm or back side of the input hand closer or further away from the object. This indicates the positive energy of the object depending on how you input its energy. 

Once you can determine the yin/ yang qi of an object, the strength of it can be measured.

Gather a few objects that all have yang qi, lift them up with your output hand as in Step 2, observe which object becomes lighter. The lighter the object is calibrated, the stronger yang qi it has. 

As for the yin qi objects, the heavier object in comparisson with other yin qi objects would have a greater negative yin qi. 

When your calibration does not seem to be accurate, it may one or more of the following reasons:

• if the channel of your nervous system has a yin qi, this weakens the response to the qi of the object or brings a reversed result

• your diet is unbalanced or poor by taking too much sugar or carbohydrates, making your adrenal glands to be weak

• having an overactive nervous system which is having an intensified reaction to muscular activities, pains, any stress-causing elements. 

Requirements recommended for making a more accurate calibration:

• activating your anahata (heart) chakra to at least 80% [Aura Empowerment Level 4]
• daily yoga and meditation
• getting into an Altered State of Consciousness (ASC) or a natural high
• allowing the mind to be in calmness, emptiness, silence

As your calibration becomes more accurate, it will allow you to use the Bodhisattvas' Ring. Read the article Mudra: The Bodhisattvas' Ring.


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