Sunday Weekly Global Meditation - June 30th, 2019


This week our intention is to bring harmony to the state of California in order to prevent any wildfires there. Also, we want to imagine Gaia in a peaceful and harmonious state, that way we can also prevent any other natural disasters including earthquakes, as there have been many of those lately again.

We will still keep on sending healing to Iran so we can have a peaceful outcome there, talks of war have been in the air so we want to counter that with our peaceful intentions.

As this Sunday is the last day of June which marks the completion of the first half of the year, it's a good time for us to reflect on what has happened this year until now.

What changes have we experienced?
What new things have we learned?
How have we developed ourselves?

Are you content with the events that have been going on around the world, and in your life? If not, why?

What kind of things would you wish to see coming into your life in the next sixth months?
How would you like to see the world becoming?

Do you wish to see more abundance, harmony, and peace in the world instead of chaos and conflict?

If you not only imagine but believe that your heart's desire will come true then there is a very high chance that sooner or later your beliefs will manifest whatever you want into this reality. Thoughts have power and our beliefs shape this "physical" reality of ours.

Many blessings

June 30th, 2019

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Read about our Sunday Weekly Global Meditation here.


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