Benefits and Methods of Meditation

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Meditation is a practice done by an individual, using a method to focus their mind on a particular object, thought or activity for achieving benefits. 

There are many methods and techniques for various purposes, which there will be links below for each blog article. 

Physiological Benefits

• enhances the immune system
• regulates blood flow and slows the heart rate
• a deeper level of physical relaxation
• enhances energy, strength, and vigor to be more active
• normalizes and harmonizes the endocrine system 
• helps with chronic illnesses 
• improves the respiratory system for better breathing
• regulates the digestive system for a better diet, weight management, bowel movement
• decreases muscle tension, pains, tissue damage
• helps to cure headaches and migraines
• greater clarity and orderliness in brain function with an increased serotonin level
• relaxes the nervous system

Psychological Benefits

• builds self-confidence, will-power, and a well-balanced personality
• increases positive mood and behavior 
• resolve fears and phobias
• better control of one's own thoughts
• improves learning ability and memory to promote a higher intelligence growth rate
• decreases the potential of mental illness
• reduces dependency and addiction
• increases emotional stability and maturity
• brings more calmness and peacefulness
• helps make a more accurate judgment
• improves the quality of sleep, helps cure insomnia, requires less time to fall asleep
• improves relationships with a more sociable and harmonious behavior
• increases the ability to solve complex problems and see the larger picture 

Spiritual Benefits

• develops intuition
• helps you discover your purpose 
• brings a deeper understanding of yourself and others
• brings the body, mind, and spirit in harmony
• creates a widening, deepening capacity for love and compassion
• connects to the higher self and angelic entities
• trains extra-sensory psychic skills
• increases the synchronicities in life
• experiences a sense of oneness

Meditation is one of the important elements of self-improvement. Whether you are needing to heal your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bodies of yourself, or you are training in any kind of energy work, meditation can bring an unlimited potential of positive changes.

What's important to keep in mind when meditating with any method is to begin in a comfortable condition that allows relaxation in the body and mind. 

While most meditation is done in a seated position with the eyes closed, some include activities such as walking, eating, or other mundane tasks that are done mindfully.

Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
Mantra Meditation
• Forest Bathing Meditation
• Inner Alchemical Meditation
• Vipassana Meditation

The seated meditations can be accompanied by a mudra, a hand gesture that allows energy to flow through them for their purposes and benefits.

Read about how to use the mudra in the article Mudra: The Bodhisattvas' Ring.


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