Reasons Why You're Not Feeling The Remote Healing
Energy healing is effective for anyone whose soul is open, willing and agreeing to receive it.
For a person with average health, it is normal to feel the healing to work instantaneously, given both hands-on and remotely.
When energy healing cannot be felt, there are a number of reasons that create negative energy as blockages in the physical body and the senses.
• having some kind of physical or mental illness, either diagnosed by a medical doctor or left unrecognized
• having prognostic symptoms (after-effect from accidents) that have hardened the muscles and numbed the nerves
• holding onto traumatic experiences
• having negative thought patterns
• overstressed physically, mentally, and in the subconscious mind
• growing a liking towards negative and demonic energies
• utilizing or wearing things that have negative energy
• having a poor diet with too much sugar, carbohydrates, alcohol, junk food, or any unbalance in food intake, creating negative energy in the digestive system and the adrenal gland
• self-casting black magic or spell with a victim mentality, most cases unknowingly, which may require professional psychiatric therapy
• taking pain-killers that numb the nervous system
• taking medications for mental illnesses such as anti-depressants
• having a sleeping disorder, taking pills and medication
• surrounding yourself with too much negative energy, such as electronic devices, heavy music, artificial things, or living in an environment with too much negative energy
• black magic cast towards you from another person or being
• becoming synchronized to someone close by who has negative energy
• developing kundalini syndrome
The above mentioned reasons may cause the following symptoms:
• weakened, closed, or deactivated chakras, especially the Anahata-heart chakra
• having a weakened link between the chakras and the physical body
The physical body must be as relaxed and loosened as possible to feel qi more deeply.
Here are some tips on how to strengthen your senses to feel the energy healing more deeply.
• push-ups
• crunches
• squats
• lifting heavy things
• repetition of sitting on a chair and standing
Any exercise that requires muscle activity will sharpen your senses to feel energy flow more strongly and deeply.
Aim for speed and lightness within the same duration of exercising.
Practicing the Bodhisattvas' Ring and meditation will also help to increase your senses.
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